書初め&かるた会 2017
We hold an annually Japanese calligraphy event for our students in January. This event is called “Kakizome.” (書き初め) It means the first calligraphy written at the beginning of a year. Students are going to write assigned Chinese characters, (漢字) which are the students’ promising, encouraging, and fortunate ones, with a brush (fude筆) and ink. (sumi 墨)
Along with Kakizome, we also hold Japanese traditional card games called Karuta (カルタ) and Hyakunin isshu. (百人一首) The basic idea of karuta games is to be able to quickly determine which card out of an array of cards is read by the reader and then to grab the card before other opponents. The player who has the most cards wins. Hyakunin Isshu is a classical Japanese anthology of one hundred Japanese poems (waka 和歌) by one hundred poets. These poems are written on cards. Players compete to find the cards that are read by the reader. The rule is the same as Karuta. Because Hyakunin Isshu’s poems are more difficult to understand, students from 4th grade to 9th grade play it, and students from 1st grade to 3rd grade play Karuta.
ピクニック 2016
5 月にサーディスレイクにて、ノースミシシッピー日本語補習校 花水木の会主催でピクニックを行いました。快晴のピクニック日和の中、児童・生徒、教職員、保護者もミシシッピーの豊かな自然の中でスイカ割りなど、楽しく遊ぶことができました。
運動会 2016
運動会 2015
ピクニック 2015
5 月にサーディスレイクにて、ノースミシシッピー日本語補習校 花水木の会主催でピクニックを行いました。保護者のみなさんが作ってくれたおいしいご飯を食べて、児童・生徒、教職員、保護者もミシシッピーの豊かな自然の中でおもいっきり遊ぶことができました。
書初め&かるた会 2015
We are going to hold a Japanese calligraphy event for our students in January. This event is called “Kakizome.” (書き初め) It means the first calligraphy written at the beginning of a year. Students are going to write assigned Chinese characters, (漢字) which are the students’ promising, encouraging, and fortunate ones, with a brush (fude筆) and ink. (sumi 墨)
Along with Kakizome, we will also hold Japanese traditional card games called Karuta (カルタ) and Hyakunin isshu. (百人一首) The basic idea of karuta games is to be able to quickly determine which card out of an array of cards is read by the reader and then to grab the card before other opponents. The player who has the most cards wins. Hyakunin Isshu is a classical Japanese anthology of one hundred Japanese poems (waka 和歌) by one hundred poets. These poems are written on cards. Players compete to find the cards that are read by the reader. The rule is the same as Karuta. Because Hyakunin Isshu’s poems are more difficult to understand, students from 4th grade to 9th grade play it, and students from 1st grade to 3rd grade play Karuta.